Tuesday, January 27, 2015

College Common Application: Conquering College Applications

Conquering the college application anxiety: Watch the deadlines and apply early
This is the time of the year that seniors and their parents are getting anxious about the college application process and the application deadlines. Most parents are new to this process and it seems overwhelming because this is a new territory and out of their comfort zone. With some guidance from the child's high school guidance office, most parents can navigate this mind field without any injuries. If the senior has been working with his or her guidance counselor through out high school, he or she will do fine with this process but the parents are the ones who will need to get up to speed.

The months of November, December and January is the crunch application time and you and your parents have to be keenly aware of the application deadlines. The responsibility of the applications, meeting deadlines and making sure that the supporting documents from the guidance office is sent to the colleges on time is on the shoulder of the student. You as the student are ultimately responsible for everything and you cannot drop the ball.

Common application is a very popular college application process where you can use one (1) application to apply to many schools. There are many schools that don't subscribe to the Common Application but they will accept the Common Application with some of these schools requiring a supplemental form that you can download from the institutions' website. You will need to go to commonapp.org to get your application. College applications fees will range from $0.00 to $80.00 for many of the private institutions.

Apply to colleges with your (EFC) Expected Family Contribution in mind: Conquering your financial concerns

There is no doubt that you (the student) will get in to colleges but will you be able to attend college. The cost of colleges and universities are rising for the most part, so, when you apply to colleges and universities, you have to make sure that you have at least one (1) financial safety school on your list. This school tends to be your state school or a school that you and your family will be able to pay for with little or no help at all. The idea of applying to schools without fully considering your financial situation and knowing that you are going to attend a school following your graduation from high school is irresponsible and just plain dumb. Many families will say to the student "just apply to colleges and get accepted and we will find a way to pay for it". This is the dumbest way to approach the process of college attendance because college admission is one thing but college attendance is another ball game.

Every family should determine their Expected Family Contribution prior to applying to colleges. In order to make an intelligent decision about what colleges and universities to apply to, each family needs to determine their family EFC prior to submitting college applications. Students need to be realistic about their family's financial situation and seriously consider at least one school as a financial safety.

For more FREE information that can walk you through the whole process of applying to colleges and applying for financial aid, go to the website below to help ease your anxiety.
http://www.collegeadmissionsandfinancialaid.com copy and paste if the link is not alive.
Leonel R DaRosa M. Ed.
Guidance Counselor

You can choose any college & university from below link
USA Online College and university

USA College and university

U k College and university
U k Online College and university


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